There is one question commonly asked to students who are majoring in English Department, like me: Why English?
The most honest answer I could give is ‘I don’t know...’I didn’t fall in English the way Robert Forst did or anyone else, I just learned English since I was very young but I never speak it out, never, until 2014...
I was a newly graduated student from Senior High School at that moment. Just like the other friends of mine, I was so confused in choosing the major I would like to be in. As a science student, I felt like I was trapped by time. I was a good student after all and I could keep up with all subject well. But there’s only one problem, I didn’t have any interest in Biology, Physics or Chemist and I was not a good friend to Math as well. Indeed I didn’t want to spend my life with things I don’t like. So I decided to stop thinking about any possibility that could happen. I just believed that my future is already designed by the upper hand, and it must be beyond expectation.
So, as time goes, I got an invitation of UIN Ar-Raniry- one of the closest university from my house. At that time, I have no ignorance from my heart, no doubt, no hesitate, I came up with a conclusion: I got to submit the invitation! Unfortunately, this sudden conclusion has brought me to this Department. I have never thought that I am going to be an English teacher before- honestly- I thought it was not cool at all.
Once again, I was trapped in time. It has almost been three years since I was here in this University underneath Teacher Training and Education faculty in English Department. I have learned English ever since I was a fourth grader of elementary school but I have never been that good, not until I became the English Department student. I have met lots of amazing people, tons of awesome lecturers and a great number of crazy friends as well. The prospect of being an English teacher now is not that scary anymore, more likely I think, it is fun.
Back to question then, Why English? My answer is still ‘I don’t know,’ because no one knows love well, doesn’t he?