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TED Summary: Patricia Ryan- Don't Insist on English

Mrs Ryan talked about languages lost and Globalization of English. The fact today is that languages are dying at an unprecedented rate. A language dies every 14 days and at the same time, English in undisputed global language.

The amazing thing of some changes occurred is how teaching English has morphed from being a mutually beneficial practice to becoming a massive international business as today. English is not just a foreign language curriculum anymore, it has become a bandwagon to every English-speaking country. After all, the best education is found in the universities in the UK and USA. So if you want to have English education, which is pretty good, you have to pass a test.

Another fact now is that we distinguish people from their linguistic ability. English teachers are now the gatekeeper and people have to satisfy them with their English. of course there’s nothing wrong with teaching English. it is really good to have a global language and we surely need one more than ever before. But it’s not wise to use it as a barrier.

Indeed not everyone needs to have English on their side, for example Einstein; he was considered remedial at school because he suffered from dyslexia. Fortunately he didn’t have to pass TOEFL because it wasn’t invented yet at the moment.

Sometimes, we may not be giving enough credits to our students for what they know, and they know it in their own language. Remember that when a language dies, we don’t know what we lose with the language. Let us celebrate diversity. Mind your language and spread great ideas.

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