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UKBI (Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia)

UKBI (Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia) is the Bahasa Indonesia standardize test. This test aims to measure one’s ability to understand and comprehend Bahasa Indonesia. Just like the other language standardize tests –such as IELTS and TOEFL, I consider this test as a valid and reliable test, just as what is expected from the standardize test. UKBI is the test that is usually administrated by Balai Bahasa, the office covering all aspects related to language. In this post, I will share my little experience on my first time administrated to UKBI.

Last week was the first time in my life I enrol to UKBI. As an Indonesian native, I can speak in Bahasa fluently and I am sure that my ability in term of Bahasa is unquestionable and undoubtable. Unfortunately, I found myself lose in over self confidence. As I downloaded the simulation of UKBI (it is available online) and I tried to solve some questions, I just think that I am so bad at my own language. I feel sorry for myself back then, tho.

So, Just like TOEFL ITP, UKBI has 3 sections; mendengarkan (listening), meresponds kaidah (structure and error analysis), and membaca (reading). The score ranges from 0-900 with instimewa (extraordinary), sangat unggul (excellent), unggul (good), madya (good enough), semenjana (enough) and I forget the last range and the score, I am sorry! You are considered to pass this test if you get unggul or the uppers. If you think you can pass this test without learning, you’re wasting your time and your money, my friend. This test may sound easy for Indonesian, but seriously, you need hard work to pass this test.

I myself assume that UKBI is even more difficult than TOEFL but it doesn’t happen because TOEFL now has become part of my life, even if you’re so good at Bahasa Indonesia, UKBI is beyond expectation. I recommend you to enrol to this test one day so you can feel the sensation of admiring Bahasa Indonesia to the moon and back. This test cost Rp 150.000.00,- if I am not mistaken, meaning you’re gonna lose the amount money if you don’t success on it.

I found myself addicted to UKBI. I’ve prepared much about structure of Bahasa Indonesia, I have learnt it at home, I have asked friends who’s ever followed this test and yeas! I did it. Haha. I can say I passed the test within satisfying score, tho. Now is your turn, fellas! Prove that you’re a good native or so.

See you in another post! bye.

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