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Sincere works

Money certainly can buy happiness. The most beautiful thing in life is earn with sweat and hard work. These sentences are absolutely right. However, at a certain point of time, we will feel that sometimes the most beautiful thing in life is free. In this writing, I will share my philosophical thought- which is awkward-. Hope you like it.

Well, I used to be a money oriented person. I believe if you work for something, there must be a reward for you (which to most of the time, money). So I work 24/7 to earn money for my own pleasure. I used to buy new clothes, new shoes and sometimes I buy some useless stuff. I even focused more on my work instead of my college. As the result, my GPA went down- perhaps it has something to do with my work, but not 100% tho- and I used to feel very tired at night and finally skip my assignment.

Recently, Allah has shown me a very awesome meeting. I met lots of people who are awesome and they mostly work freely- voluntarily-. I am amazed on how they think of money as not that important in working life. They spent their time teaching for free, and sometimes, they had to use their own money. They said that they found their pleasure there, in a sincere work. They love what they do, people trust them, and they keep doing so. Back then, I started thinking to do what they do. Work for free. Fortunately, I was in one of organization in campus that focuses on the development of human resource, and it seemed like the opportunity to try is in front of my nose, and they asked me to teach English’s students TOEFL freely. I don’t know what happen to me, but I said yes. And there I go..

I found myself teaching TOEFL to English’s student. I knew that I am not that good, but people trusted me. Then I started to think of what people I’ve met earlier about voluntary work and felt it by myself now- really-, I really found that pleasure teaching those people who wanted to be thought, and it’s really pleasing to find that they understand what you’re saying. And I am addicted to it. Now I am trusted by Ar-Raniry English Club to teach UIN’s students TOEFL, and again- I say yes.

Money is important. I keep doing my paid work, but I balance it with what I call sincere work. Because I know, when you do good to people, you may not know when but it will be repaid with something –probably- better than money.

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